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时间: 2024-09-17 13:12:12



1. There are a numerable amount of stars in the sky. (天空中有无数的星星。)

2. The advantages of this approach are numerable. (这种方法的优点数不胜数。)

3. The challenges we face are numerable but manageable. (我们面临的挑战数不胜数,但可以应付。)

4. The benefits of exercise are numerable, including weight loss and improved mood. (锻炼的好处数不胜数,包括减肥和改善心情。)

5. The company has a numerable amount of products in its catalog. (公司在目录中有大量的产品。)

6. She has written a numerable number of books on various topics. (她写了许多关于不同主题的书。)

7. The professor's contributions to the field are numerable and widely recognized. (这位教授对该领域的贡献数不胜数,并且广泛认可。)

8. The team faced numerable difficulties during the project. (团队在项目中遇到了许多困难。)

9. The hotel offers a numerable variety of amenities for its guests. (酒店为客人提供多种多样的设施。)

10. The reasons for the decision are numerable but ultimately strategic. (决定的原因很多,但最终是出于战略考虑。)

11. His achievements in the field of science are numerable and groundbreaking. (他在科学领域的成就数不胜数,而且开创性。)

12. The potential applications of this technology are numerable and diverse. (这项技术的潜在应用数不胜数,并且多样化。)

13. The city has a numerable population of immigrants from various countries. (这座城市有来自多个国家的大量移民。)

14. The candidate presented a numerable list of proposals during the debate. (候选人在辩论中提出了许多建议。)

15. The museum houses a numerable collection of artifacts spanning centuries. (博物馆收藏了跨越几个世纪的大量文物。)


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