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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:58


Certainly! "Supernumerary" refers to something that is additional or exceeding the usual number. Here are 15 sentences with their Chinese explanations:

1. There were several supernumerary items in the shipment that weren't on the inventory list.

- 运送的货物中有几件超出清单的额外物品。

2. The team hired a supernumerary member to help during the busy season.

- 团队在旺季雇了一名额外的成员来帮忙。

3. She received a supernumerary payment for working overtime last month.

- 她因上个月加班而获得了额外的补偿。

4. The supernumerary seats in the conference room were quickly filled by unexpected guests.

- 会议室里的额外座位很快被意外的客人填满了。

5. The supernumerary stars in the sky added to the beauty of the night.

- 天空中额外的星星增添了夜晚的美丽。

6. He found a supernumerary book hidden behind the others on the shelf.

- 他在书架上其他书的后面找到了一本额外的书。

7. The supernumerary rules imposed by the new manager caused some confusion among the staff.

- 新经理实施的额外规定在员工中引起了一些混乱。

8. The supernumerary buttons on the remote control are for special functions.

- 遥控器上的额外按钮是用来执行特殊功能的。

9. The supernumerary efforts of the volunteers ensured the event's success.

- 志愿者的额外努力确保了活动的成功。

10. He enjoyed collecting supernumerary stamps from different countries.

- 他喜欢收集来自不同国家的额外邮票。

11. The supernumerary trees in the garden were planted to provide shade in summer.

- 花园里的额外树木是为了夏天提供阴凉。

12. The supernumerary courses offered by the university allow students to explore diverse subjects.

- 大学提供的额外课程允许学生探索多样的学科。

13. Her supernumerary responsibilities at work included organizing company events.

- 她在工作中的额外职责包括组织公司活动。

14. The supernumerary provisions in the contract addressed unexpected contingencies.

- 合同中的额外条款涉及意外的情况。

15. The supernumerary staff at the hospital helped handle the surge of patients during flu season.

- 医院的额外员工帮助处理了流感季节的病人激增。

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