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时间: 2024-09-17 13:13:10


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "anonymity" along with Chinese translations:

1. She valued the anonymity of the city, where she could disappear into the crowd. (她珍视这座城市的匿名性,可以在人群中消失。)

2. The whistleblower requested anonymity to protect their identity. (举报者要求匿名以保护自己的身份。)

3. Online forums allow users to post opinions with a degree of anonymity. (网络论坛允许用户以一定程度的匿名发布意见。)

4. The artist preferred to remain in anonymity, letting their work speak for itself. (艺术家更喜欢保持匿名,让他们的作品自己说话。)

5. The charity ensured the anonymity of its donors unless otherwise specified. (慈善机构确保捐赠者的匿名性,除非另有说明。)

6. The police granted the witness anonymity to encourage them to come forward. (警方保护证人的匿名以鼓励他们站出来。)

7. Anonymity on the internet can sometimes lead to irresponsible behavior. (在互联网上的匿名有时会导致不负责任的行为。)

8. The writer chose to publish under a pseudonym to maintain anonymity. (作家选择用假名出版以保持匿名。)

9. In a small town, it's difficult to maintain anonymity for long. (在一个小镇上,长时间保持匿名很困难。)

10. The hackers operated with a high degree of anonymity, making them hard to trace. (黑客们以高度匿名的方式操作,使得他们难以追踪。)

11. Journalists sometimes grant sources anonymity to protect them from retaliation. (记者有时会保护消息来源的匿名,以免他们遭到报复。)

12. The government database was breached, compromising the anonymity of millions. (政府数据库遭到入侵,危及了数百万人的匿名性。)

13. Participants in the study were assured of complete anonymity in reporting their experiences. (研究的参与者被保证在报告他们的经历时完全匿名。)

14. The website promised to uphold user anonymity by not collecting personal data. (该网站承诺通过不收集个人数据来维护用户的匿名性。)

15. Anonymity in voting is crucial for ensuring a fair and democratic process. (在投票中的匿名性对确保公正和民主过程至关重要。)


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