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时间: 2024-09-17 13:39:26


Sure, here are 15 sentences with "optic" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The optic nerve transmits visual information from the eye to the brain. (视神经将视觉信息从眼睛传输到大脑。)

2. She underwent surgery to correct a problem with her optic nerve. (她接受了手术以矫正视神经的问题。)

3. The company specializes in optic fiber technology. (这家公司专注于光纤技术。)

4. His new glasses had special optic lenses for improved vision. (他的新眼镜配备了特殊的光学镜片以改善视力。)

5. The telescope uses advanced optic systems to observe distant stars. (这架望远镜使用先进的光学系统观察遥远的星星。)

6. Optic illusions can trick the brain into perceiving something that isn't there. (光学错觉可以欺骗大脑,使其感知到并不存在的东西。)

7. The optic properties of the gemstone make it highly prized in jewelry. (这种宝石的光学特性使其在珠宝中非常受欢迎。)

8. The optic sensor detects changes in light intensity. (光学传感器可以检测光强的变化。)

9. He studied optic physics to understand how light behaves in different materials. (他研究了光学物理学,以了解光在不同材料中的行为。)

10. Optic technology has revolutionized communication systems worldwide. (光学技术已经在全球范围内彻底改变了通信系统。)

11. The artist used optic tricks to create a three-dimensional effect on the painting. (艺术家使用光学技巧在绘画中制造了立体效果。)

12. The optic microscope allowed scientists to observe cells in unprecedented detail. (光学显微镜使科学家能够以前所未有的细节观察细胞。)

13. Birds of prey have highly developed optic capabilities for spotting prey from great distances. (猛禽具有高度发达的视觉能力,可以从远处发现猎物。)

14. The optic data showed a significant increase in temperature over the past decade. (光学数据显示过去十年温度显著上升。)

15. Engineers are working on enhancing optic performance for the next generation of virtual reality devices. (工程师正在努力提升下一代虚拟现实设备的光学性能。)


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