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时间: 2024-09-21 12:47:46


Certainly! "Optometer" 这个词通常指用来测量视力的仪器。这里有一些例句和它们的中文解释:

1. The optometer measured the patient's visual acuity accurately. (这个验光仪准确测量了患者的视力。)

2. The optometer indicated a slight improvement in her vision since her last visit. (验光仪显示她的视力自上次访问以来略有改善。)

3. He adjusted the optometer to test for astigmatism. (他调整了验光仪以测试散光。)

4. The optometer is a crucial tool for optometrists during eye examinations. (验光仪是验光师在眼睛检查中的关键工具。)

5. Using the optometer, the doctor prescribed corrective lenses for the patient. (医生利用验光仪为患者开具了矫正镜片。)

6. The optometer's digital display makes it easier to read the results. (验光仪的数字显示使结果更易读。)

7. She relied on the optometer to diagnose vision problems accurately. (她依靠验光仪准确诊断视力问题。)

8. Modern optometers use advanced technology for precise measurements. (现代验光仪采用先进技术进行精确测量。)

9. The optometer revealed that his nearsightedness had worsened slightly. (验光仪显示他的近视略有加重。)

10. The optometer technician calibrated the equipment before the eye test. (验光仪技术员在眼睛检查前校准了设备。)

11. Children's eye exams often involve the use of a specialized optometer. (儿童眼科检查常常需要使用专用验光仪。)

12. The optometer measured both distance and near vision capabilities. (验光仪测量了远视和近视能力。)

13. The optometer's software allows for quick analysis of vision test results. (验光仪的软件允许快速分析视力测试结果。)

14. With the optometer's help, the optometrist diagnosed early signs of cataracts. (在验光仪的帮助下,验光师诊断出早期白内障的迹象。)

15. The optometer is an essential tool in the field of optometry. (验光仪是验光学领域中的重要工具。)


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