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时间: 2024-10-07 18:43:55


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "orator" along with their Chinese translations:

1. Winston Churchill was known as a powerful orator who could move the masses with his speeches. (温斯顿·丘吉尔以强大的演讲能力而闻名,能够动员大众。)

2. The ancient Greeks revered Demosthenes as the greatest orator of his time. (古希腊人尊敬德摩斯特尼斯,认为他是他那个时代最伟大的演说家。)

3. Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as an inspiring orator whose words sparked change. (马丁·路德·金被铭记为一个激励人心的演说家,他的言辞引发了变革。)

4. Cicero's reputation as an orator was unmatched in ancient Rome. (西塞罗在古罗马的演说家声誉无人能敌。)

5. The politician captivated the audience with his skills as an orator during the election campaign. (这位政治家在竞选活动中以他的演讲技巧吸引了观众。)

6. The school invited a renowned orator to speak at the graduation ceremony. (学校邀请了一位著名的演说家在毕业典礼上讲话。)

7. Abraham Lincoln is remembered not only as a president but also as a skilled orator. (亚伯拉罕·林肯被人们铭记,不仅仅是因为他是总统,还因为他是一位技艺高超的演说家。)

8. The orator's eloquence moved the audience to tears. (演说家的雄辩动人,观众纷纷落泪。)

9. As an orator, she possessed the rare ability to command attention with every word. (作为一名演说家,她拥有那种能够用每个词吸引注意力的罕见能力。)

10. His reputation as an orator grew with each public speech he delivered. (他每次公开演讲都使他作为演说家的声誉日益增长。)

11. The orator's impassioned speech stirred up a sense of unity among the listeners. (演说家慷慨激昂的演讲唤起了听众心中的团结感。)

12. In the courtroom, his skills as an orator were instrumental in winning the case. (在法庭上,他作为演说家的技巧对赢得案件至关重要。)

13. The orator's charisma made even complex ideas accessible to the audience. (演说家的魅力使得即使复杂的思想也能让观众理解。)

14. The young politician showed promise as an orator early in his career. (这位年轻的政治家在早期职业生涯中展现出了作为演说家的潜力。)

15. Her reputation as a skilled orator spread beyond the borders of her own country. (她作为一位技艺高超的演说家的声誉超越了她所在国家的界限。)


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