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时间: 2024-09-29 02:51:56


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "impassioned," along with their Chinese translations:

1. She delivered an impassioned speech about the importance of education. (她发表了一篇慷慨激昂的演讲,谈论教育的重要性。)

2. The impassioned plea for justice moved everyone in the courtroom. (那充满激情的对正义的呼吁感动了法庭上的每个人。)

3. His impassioned defense of the environment rallied support from across the country. (他对环境保护的慷慨激昂的辩护,激起了全国各地的支持。)

4. The author's impassioned writing stirred emotions in readers worldwide. (作家慷慨激昂的写作激起了全球读者的情感。)

5. She made an impassioned plea for better healthcare services. (她对改进医疗服务发出了慷慨激昂的呼吁。)

6. His impassioned performance on stage brought the audience to tears. (他台上激情四溢的表演让观众流下了眼泪。)

7. The teacher's impassioned encouragement motivated the students to excel. (老师慷慨激昂的鼓励激励了学生们努力学习。)

8. They engaged in an impassioned debate over the proposed legislation. (他们就提议的立法展开了一场慷慨激昂的辩论。)

9. The candidate gave an impassioned promise to tackle poverty if elected. (候选人慷慨激昂地承诺,如果当选将解决贫困问题。)

10. Her impassioned singing filled the concert hall with emotion. (她慷慨激昂的歌声充满了音乐厅的情感。)

11. The coach's impassioned speech fired up the team before the championship game. (教练慷慨激昂的演讲在冠军赛前激励了全队。)

12. He wrote an impassioned letter to the editor expressing his views on the matter. (他写了一封慷慨激昂的信件给编辑,表达了他对这个问题的看法。)

13. The activist's impassioned protest drew attention to the plight of refugees. (活动家慷慨激昂的抗议引起了对难民困境的关注。)

14. The movie ended with an impassioned plea for tolerance and understanding. (电影以对宽容和理解的慷慨激昂的呼吁结束。)

15. Her impassioned defense of human rights made a lasting impact on policy makers. (她对人权的激情辩护对政策制定者产生了深远影响。)


上一个 【英语】compass的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】impatient的例句



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