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时间: 2024-09-17 13:30:51


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "pulsate" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The pain in her head caused it to pulsate with intensity. (她头痛的疼痛使得头部强烈跳动。)

2. The nightclub lights pulsate to the rhythm of the music. (夜总会的灯光随着音乐的节奏闪烁。)

3. His heart began to pulsate rapidly as he ran towards the finish line. (他跑向终点时,心脏开始急速跳动。)

4. The neon sign outside the shop pulsated in the darkness. (店外的霓虹灯在黑暗中闪烁。)

5. The city pulsates with energy and excitement at night. (夜晚,这座城市充满了活力和兴奋。)

6. The jellyfish pulsated gently as it moved through the water. (水母在水中缓慢地蠕动。)

7. Her temples seemed to pulsate with every beat of her heart. (她的太阳穴似乎随着心跳而跳动。)

8. The veins on his arms began to pulsate after the intense workout. (剧烈运动后,他手臂上的静脉开始跳动。)

9. The throbbing bass made the entire room pulsate. (低音的跳动使整个房间都跟着震动。)

10. The city's nightlife pulsates with an electric intensity. (这座城市的夜生活充满了电力般的强烈感。)

11. The distant lights of the city seemed to pulsate in the mist. (城市遥远的灯光在雾中似乎在跳动。)

12. Her emotions seemed to pulsate through her voice as she spoke. (她说话时,情感似乎通过她的声音跳动着。)

13. The drumbeat made the crowd pulsate with excitement. (鼓声使得人群兴奋地蠕动。)

14. The heat caused the air to pulsate above the desert sands. (炎热使得沙漠沙土上方的空气跳动。)

15. The news of his promotion made his heart pulsate with joy. (晋升的消息使他的心情愉悦地跳动。)


上一个 【英语】expulsion的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】impulsive的例句



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