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时间: 2024-09-10 06:05:19


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "repulsive" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The sight of decay and filth was utterly repulsive to her. (腐烂和污秽的景象对她来说十分令人厌恶。)

2. His behavior towards others was so repulsive that no one wanted to be around him. (他对待他人的行为如此让人厌恶,没有人愿意和他在一起。)

3. The taste of the medicine was so repulsive that she struggled to swallow it. (药物的味道极其令人厌恶,她几乎无法咽下去。)

4. The dictator's actions were universally condemned as repulsive and inhumane. (独裁者的行为被普遍谴责为令人厌恶和不人道。)

5. The movie contained scenes of violence that many found repulsive. (这部电影包含了许多人觉得令人厌恶的暴力场景。)

6. The smell emanating from the dumpster was positively repulsive. (从垃圾箱里散发出来的气味简直令人厌恶。)

7. His arrogant attitude was so repulsive that even his friends started avoiding him. (他那傲慢的态度如此令人厌恶,连他的朋友也开始避开他。)

8. The idea of eating insects was initially repulsive to her, but she later warmed to the concept. (吃昆虫的想法起初让她感到厌恶,但后来她对这个概念渐渐接受了。)

9. The politician's speech was filled with repulsive lies and distortions. (那位政治家的讲话充斥着令人厌恶的谎言和歪曲。)

10. The slimy texture of the food was repulsive to many diners. (这种食物的黏糊糊的质地让许多食客感到厌恶。)

11. His habit of chewing with his mouth open was particularly repulsive to his dinner guests. (他张开嘴吃东西的习惯特别让他的晚餐客人感到厌恶。)

12. The graffiti on the walls was offensive and repulsive to the community. (墙上的涂鸦对社区来说既冒犯又令人厌恶。)

13. The movie depicted scenes of cruelty that were deeply repulsive to sensitive viewers. (这部电影描绘了一些残酷的场景,对于敏感的观众来说非常令人厌恶。)

14. The taste of the spoiled milk was repulsive enough to make her vomit. (变质的牛奶的味道令人厌恶到让她恶心想吐。)

15. The artist's work was intentionally provocative and often aimed to be repulsive to conventional tastes. (这位艺术家的作品故意挑衅,通常旨在令传统口味感到厌恶。)


上一个 【英语】repulse的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】penance的例句



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