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时间: 2024-09-19 11:44:17



1. Freedom of speech is not a dispensable luxury; it is a fundamental human right. (言论自由不是一种可有可无的奢侈品,它是一项基本的人权。)

2. In today's economy, loyalty to employees seems to be seen as dispensable. (在今天的经济中,对员工的忠诚似乎被视为可以牺牲的。)

3. These extra features are nice, but they are largely dispensable for the basic functionality of the software. (这些额外的功能很好,但它们对软件的基本功能来说基本上是可有可无的。)

4. The manager viewed overtime pay as a dispensable expense during the budget cuts. (在预算削减期间,经理将加班费视为可以削减的开支。)

5. Some consider luxury cars to be dispensable status symbols. (有些人认为豪华车只是可以有可无的地位象征。)

6. The committee decided that additional training for staff was dispensable at this stage of the project. (委员会决定在项目的当前阶段,对员工进行额外培训是可以不必要的。)

7. Despite his dispensable role in the company, he always worked diligently. (尽管他在公司中的角色是可以替代的,但他总是很勤奋。)

8. The new law aimed to reduce dispensable bureaucracy within the government. (新法旨在减少政府内部的可以放弃的官僚主义。)

9. Some critics argue that printed newspapers are becoming dispensable in the age of digital media. (一些批评家认为,在数字媒体时代,印刷报纸正变得可以有可无。)

10. The team decided that the annual retreat was a dispensable tradition that no longer served its original purpose. (团队决定,年度撤退是一种不再为原始目的服务的可以有可无的传统。)

11. The non-essential personnel were deemed dispensable during the restructuring of the company. (在公司重组期间,非必要人员被认为是可以牺牲的。)

12. His charm was such that he considered humility to be a dispensable quality. (他的魅力如此之大,以至于他认为谦逊是一种可以有可无的品质。)

13. The professor emphasized that accuracy in research was not a dispensable element of scientific inquiry. (教授强调,研究中的准确性并非科学探究中可以忽略的要素。)

14. The company's new policy treats punctuality as a dispensable attribute rather than a requirement. (公司的新政策将守时视为可以有可无的特征而不是必要条件。)

15. Environmentalists argue that single-use plastics are a dispensable convenience that harms the planet. (环保人士认为一次性塑料制品是对地球有害的可以有可无的便利品。)


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