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时间: 2024-09-17 13:38:45



1. She has a severe phobia of spiders and can't even look at a picture of one. (她有严重的蜘蛛恐惧症,甚至不能看蜘蛛的图片。)

2. His fear of heights is so intense that he avoids tall buildings and bridges. (他对高处的恐惧非常强烈,以至于他避免高楼和桥梁。)

3. The therapist helped her overcome her phobia of flying through gradual exposure therapy. (治疗师通过逐步暴露疗法帮助她克服了对飞行的恐惧。)

4. Claustrophobia is the fear of confined spaces, such as elevators or small rooms. (幽闭恐惧症是对封闭空间的恐惧,如电梯或小房间。)

5. He developed a phobia of public speaking after a traumatic experience during a presentation. (他在一次演讲中遭遇创伤后,对公众演讲产生了恐惧。)

6. Social phobia can make everyday interactions stressful and overwhelming. (社交恐惧症会使日常交往变得紧张和不堪重负。)

7. The child's phobia of dogs made it difficult for him to visit friends who had pets. (孩子对狗的恐惧使他难以拜访养宠物的朋友。)

8. Agoraphobia can lead individuals to avoid situations where they feel trapped or helpless. (广场恐惧症会使个人避免那些让他们感到被困或无助的情境。)

9. Her phobia of germs causes her to wash her hands repeatedly throughout the day. (她对细菌的恐惧导致她一天中反复洗手。)

10. Some people experience a phobia of needles, making medical procedures challenging. (有些人对针头有恐惧,使得医疗程序变得困难。)

11. Overcoming a phobia often requires facing one's fears in a controlled and supportive environment. (克服恐惧通常需要在一个控制和支持的环境中面对自己的恐惧。)

12. A specific phobia is an intense fear of a particular object or situation. (特定恐惧症是对特定物体或情境的强烈恐惧。)

13. Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in treating many types of phobias. (认知行为疗法在治疗许多类型的恐惧症中非常有效。)

14. The documentary explores various phobias and their impact on people's lives. (这部纪录片探讨了各种恐惧症及其对人们生活的影响。)

15. Understanding the origins of a phobia can help in developing appropriate treatment strategies. (了解恐惧症的起源有助于制定适当的治疗策略。)


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