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时间: 2024-09-17 13:28:02



1. The implacable opposition of the two political parties led to a government shutdown. (两个政党的不妥协导致了政府的关门。)

2. Despite numerous apologies, his boss remained implacable and refused to reinstate him. (尽管他多次道歉,他的老板仍然不为所动,拒绝重新雇佣他。)

3. The implacable stare of the judge made the defendant nervous. (法官那不屈不挠的凝视使被告感到紧张。)

4. She faced her opponent on the battlefield with an implacable resolve. (她以坚定不移的决心在战场上面对她的对手。)

5. The implacable storm ravaged the coastal towns, leaving destruction in its wake. (那场无情的风暴摧毁了沿海城镇,留下了破坏。)

6. His implacable attitude towards compromise eventually alienated his colleagues. (他对妥协的不屈不挠的态度最终使他疏远了同事。)

7. The family feud was fueled by years of implacable resentment. (这场家族纷争被多年来积压的不可消解的怨恨所助长。)

8. Despite the apologies, the teacher remained implacable and gave the student a failing grade. (尽管学生道歉了,老师仍然不为所动,给予了学生不及格的成绩。)

9. His implacable thirst for revenge consumed him, leading him down a dark path. (他对复仇的无情渴望吞噬了他,把他引向了一条黑暗的道路。)

10. The implacable enemy forces forced the nation to strengthen its defenses. (不屈不挠的敌人迫使国家加强了其防御力量。)

11. Despite their best efforts, they faced an implacable foe that seemed invincible. (尽管他们竭尽全力,但他们面对一个看似不可战胜的不妥协的敌人。)

12. Her implacable determination to succeed drove her to overcome every obstacle. (她不屈不挠的决心驱使她克服了每一个障碍。)

13. The implacable judge sentenced the criminal to life in prison without parole. (那位不为所动的法官判处犯罪分子终身监禁而不得假释。)

14. Their implacable hatred for each other turned the negotiations into a shouting match. (他们彼此不可消解的仇恨把谈判变成了一场大声争吵。)

15. The war's outcome seemed inevitable as both sides remained implacable in their demands. (战争的结局看似不可避免,因为双方在各自的要求上都不为所动。)


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