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时间: 2024-09-20 01:12:08


Certainly! 这里有关于“placebo”(安慰剂)的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The doctor prescribed a placebo to the patient to see if the symptoms improved without active medication. (医生给病人开了一个安慰剂,以查看症状是否在没有活性药物的情况下有所改善。)

2. In clinical trials, some participants receive placebos instead of the actual drug being tested. (在临床试验中,一些参与者接受的是安慰剂,而不是正在测试的实际药物。)

3. The placebo effect is a phenomenon where patients experience improvements in their condition after receiving a fake treatment. (安慰剂效应是患者在接受虚假治疗后感觉病情有所改善的现象。)

4. Researchers sometimes use placebos in studies to distinguish between the true effects of a treatment and psychological responses. (研究人员有时在研究中使用安慰剂,以区分治疗的真正效果和心理反应。)

5. The patient reported feeling better after taking the placebo, even though it contained no active ingredients. (尽管安慰剂中没有活性成分,但患者服用后报告感觉好些了。)

6. Ethical guidelines require researchers to inform participants if they are receiving a placebo during a study. (伦理指南要求研究人员在研究中告知参与者是否正在接受安慰剂。)

7. Placebos are used in medical research to control for the placebo effect and ensure the validity of study results. (安慰剂在医学研究中用于控制安慰剂效应,确保研究结果的有效性。)

8. The placebo group showed similar improvements in symptoms compared to the group receiving the actual drug. (与接受实际药物的组相比,安慰剂组的症状改善情况类似。)

9. Many over-the-counter supplements claim benefits that may be attributed to the placebo effect rather than active ingredients. (许多非处方补充剂声称的好处可能归因于安慰剂效应而非活性成分。)

10. Placebo-controlled trials are considered the gold standard for testing new pharmaceuticals. (安慰剂对照试验被认为是测试新药物的金标准。)

11. The placebo effect can be influenced by factors such as patient expectations and the manner in which treatments are administered. (安慰剂效应受患者期望和治疗方式等因素的影响。)

12. Research suggests that the placebo response varies widely among individuals and conditions. (研究表明,安慰剂反应在个体和病情之间存在广泛的变化。)

13. Some patients are more susceptible to the placebo effect than others, depending on psychological and physiological factors. (一些患者比其他人更容易受到安慰剂效应的影响,这取决于心理和生理因素。)

14. The placebo was administered as a sugar pill that looked identical to the experimental medication. (安慰剂是以与实验药物完全相同的外观为糖丸形式给予的。)

15. Placebos are used not only in medicine but also in psychology to study cognitive and emotional responses to treatments. (安慰剂不仅在医学上使用,还在心理学中用于研究对治疗的认知和情感反应。)


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