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时间: 2024-10-05 02:51:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "impound," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The police impounded the vehicle after discovering it was stolen. (警察在发现车辆被盗后将其扣押。)

2. The animal control officer impounded several stray dogs found wandering the streets. (动物控制官员扣押了几只在街上游荡的流浪狗。)

3. The customs officials impounded the illegal shipment of drugs at the border. (海关官员在边境扣押了非法运输的毒品。)

4. The landlord impounded the tenant's belongings due to non-payment of rent. (房东因为租金未付而扣押了租客的财物。)

5. The court impounded the evidence until further notice. (法院扣押了证据,待进一步通知。)

6. The bank can impound funds from your account if you default on the loan. (如果你违约贷款,银行可以扣押你账户中的资金。)

7. They impounded his passport pending investigation into his activities. (他们扣押了他的护照,等待对他活动的调查。)

8. The authorities impounded the illegal firearms during the raid. (当局在突袭中扣押了非法枪支。)

9. The city impounded abandoned vehicles left on public property. (城市对留在公共财产上的废弃车辆进行了扣押。)

10. The environmental agency impounded the toxic waste shipment at the port. (环境管理机构在港口扣押了有毒废物的运输。)

11. The customs officers impounded undeclared goods at the airport. (海关官员在机场扣押了未申报的货物。)

12. The landlord has the right to impound the security deposit if there is damage to the property. (如果财产受损,房东有权扣押押金。)

13. The university impounded the student's library card due to overdue books. (由于图书逾期,大学扣押了学生的图书馆卡。)

14. The museum curator impounded the artifact until its provenance could be verified. (博物馆馆长扣押了文物,直到其出处得以验证。)

15. The authorities impounded the vehicle involved in the hit-and-run accident. (当局扣押了涉及肇事逃逸的车辆。)


上一个 【英语】expound的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】propound的例句



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