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时间: 2024-10-06 22:44:51


Certainly! "Satiable" means capable of being satisfied or appeased. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. His curiosity was insatiable; he always sought out new knowledge. (他的好奇心无法满足,他总是追求新知识。)

2. Despite his satiable hunger, he decided to save some of the food for later. (尽管他饥饿难耐,他还是决定留些食物到晚些时候吃。)

3. The company's ambition was satiable; they were content with steady growth. (公司的野心有限,他们对稳定增长感到满足。)

4. Her thirst for adventure was satiable after the challenging trek through the mountains. (在穿越山脉的艰难徒步旅行后,她对冒险的渴望得到了满足。)

5. The child's hunger was satiable with a small snack before dinner. (孩子吃了晚餐前的一小份点心就不饿了。)

6. The collector's desire for rare stamps was satiable; he completed his collection within a year. (收藏家对稀有邮票的渴望是可以满足的,他在一年内完成了收藏。)

7. Her ambition for success was satiable; she didn't need fame or fortune to feel fulfilled. (她对成功的野心有限,她并不需要名声或财富来感到满足。)

8. The company's growth was satiable due to strategic expansions into new markets. (由于战略性地进入新市场,公司的增长是可以满足的。)

9. After a satisfying meal, his hunger was satiable for the rest of the evening. (吃过令人满意的一餐后,他晚上剩下的时间不再感到饥饿。)

10. Their thirst for justice was satiable after the criminal was apprehended. (罪犯被捕后,他们对正义的渴望得到了满足。)

11. The artist's creativity was satiable after completing her latest masterpiece. (艺术家完成了最新的杰作后,她的创造力得到了满足。)

12. Despite his satiable craving for sweets, he decided to eat fruit instead. (尽管他对甜食的渴望难以满足,他还是决定吃水果。)

13. The explorer's curiosity about the ancient ruins was satiable after thorough exploration. (探险家对古代废墟的好奇心在彻底探索后得到了满足。)

14. Her desire for knowledge was satiable after reading the entire encyclopedia. (她阅读了整部百科全书后,对知识的渴望得到了满足。)

15. His ambition for promotion was satiable after achieving the senior management position. (他升任高级管理职位后,他对晋升的渴望得到了满足。)


上一个 【英语】exsanguine的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】satiate的例句



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