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时间: 2024-10-07 02:48:54



1. Her insatiate desire for knowledge led her to pursue multiple degrees. (她对知识的贪求无厌驱使她攻读了多个学位。)

2. The insatiate greed of the corporation eventually led to its downfall. (公司无尽的贪婪最终导致了它的崩溃。)

3. He possessed an insatiate appetite for adventure. (他有着对冒险无尽的渴望。)

4. The insatiate demands of the job left her feeling exhausted. (工作的无尽要求让她感到筋疲力尽。)

5. His insatiate curiosity drove him to explore every corner of the ancient ruins. (他的无尽好奇心驱使他探索古代遗址的每一个角落。)

6. The insatiate longing for justice fueled their fight for civil rights. (对正义的无尽渴望推动了他们为民权而战。)

7. Their insatiate ambition to conquer new markets drove the company's expansion. (他们对征服新市场的贪求无厌推动了公司的扩张。)

8. The insatiate desire for power corrupted him completely. (对权力的无尽渴望彻底腐化了他。)

9. Despite his insatiate wealth, he lived a simple and humble life. (尽管拥有无尽财富,他过着简朴而谦逊的生活。)

10. Her insatiate thirst for revenge consumed her thoughts. (她对复仇的无尽渴求占据了她的思维。)

11. The insatiate need for approval drove him to seek recognition at any cost. (对认可的无尽需求驱使他不惜一切寻求认同。)

12. The insatiate enthusiasm of the crowd was palpable at the concert. (在音乐会上观众的无尽热情令人感同身受。)

13. His insatiate passion for music was evident in every note he played. (他对音乐的无尽热爱在他的每一个音符中都表现出来。)

14. The insatiate hunger of the wolf pack drove them to hunt through the night. (狼群的无尽饥饿驱使它们整夜狩猎。)

15. Their insatiate joy at the birth of their first child knew no bounds. (他们对第一个孩子出生的无尽喜悦无以言表。)


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