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时间: 2024-09-29 02:56:47



1. The religious minority faced severe persecution under the new regime.

- 在新政权下,这个宗教少数群体遭遇了严重的迫害。

2. Her family fled the country to escape political persecution.

- 她的家人逃离了这个国家,以躲避政治迫害。

3. The book describes the persecution of dissenters during the totalitarian era.

- 这本书描述了极权时代异议人士的迫害。

4. Many refugees have experienced persecution based on their ethnicity.

- 许多难民经历了基于种族的迫害。

5. The journalist was a victim of persecution for exposing government corruption.

- 这位记者因揭露政府腐败而成为迫害的受害者。

6. Persecution often leads to widespread suffering and displacement.

- 迫害往往导致广泛的痛苦和流离失所。

7. The persecution of the activists was condemned by international human rights organizations.

- 国际人权组织谴责了对活动家的迫害。

8. Historical records show that religious persecution has occurred throughout history.

- 历史记录显示,宗教迫害在历史上一直存在。

9. They sought asylum in another country to avoid persecution.

- 他们寻求在另一个国家避难,以逃避迫害。

10. The novel portrays the persecution faced by individuals who challenged societal norms.

- 这部小说描绘了那些挑战社会规范的个人所遭遇的迫害。

11. The law aimed to protect individuals from unjust persecution.

- 这项法律旨在保护个人免受不公正的迫害。

12. Persecution can take many forms, including violence, discrimination, and harassment.

- 迫害可以有多种形式,包括暴力、歧视和骚扰。

13. The regime’s persecution of intellectuals stifled free expression and innovation.

- 该政权对知识分子的迫害压制了自由表达和创新。

14. Witnesses reported systematic persecution of ethnic minorities by the government.

- 目击者报告了政府对少数民族的系统性迫害。

15. The documentary sheds light on the ongoing persecution of human rights defenders.

- 这部纪录片揭示了对人权捍卫者持续的迫害。

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