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时间: 2024-09-29 00:55:09


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences with "intersection," along with their Chinese translations:

1. Traffic at the intersection was heavy during rush hour.

- 高峰时段路口交通繁忙。

2. The intersection of technology and art is evident in his innovative designs.

- 技术与艺术的交汇在他创新的设计中显而易见。

3. The new store is located at the intersection of Main Street and Maple Avenue.

- 新商店位于主街和枫树大道的交叉路口。

4. The book explores the intersection of politics and religion in modern society.

- 这本书探讨了政治与宗教在现代社会中的交集。

5. They met unexpectedly at the intersection of their careers.

- 他们在职业生涯的交集上意外地相遇了。

6. The novel examines the intersection of love and betrayal.

- 这部小说探讨了爱情和背叛的交汇点。

7. The intersection of these two trends will shape the future of the industry.

- 这两种趋势的交集将塑造行业的未来。

8. The intersection of biology and chemistry forms the basis of biochemistry.

- 生物学与化学的交汇形成了生物化学的基础。

9. At the intersection, turn left to reach the shopping mall.

- 在路口左转就能到达购物中心。

10. The intersection of history and literature fascinates many scholars.

- 历史与文学的交汇吸引了许多学者的兴趣。

11. He found himself at the intersection of success and failure.

- 他发现自己处在成功与失败的交汇处。

12. The intersection of cultures in the city makes it a vibrant place to live.

- 城市中文化的交融使其成为一个充满活力的居住地。

13. She was standing at the intersection, waiting for the light to change.

- 她站在十字路口,等待红绿灯变化。

14. The intersection of economic policies affects global markets.

- 经济政策的交汇影响全球市场。

15. The intersection is notorious for accidents; it needs better traffic control.

- 这个路口因事故频发而臭名昭著,需要加强交通控制。


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