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时间: 2024-09-29 00:49:11


Certainly! 这里有一些关于“segmentation”的例句及其中文解释:

1. Market segmentation helps companies target specific groups of consumers more effectively.(市场细分帮助公司更有效地针对特定消费者群体。)

2. In image processing, segmentation is used to separate objects from the background.(在图像处理中,分割用于将对象与背景分离。)

3. Customer segmentation allows businesses to tailor their marketing strategies to different customer groups.(客户细分允许企业根据不同的客户群体量身定制其营销策略。)

4. Segmentation fault is a common error in programming caused by accessing memory improperly.(分段错误是编程中常见的错误,通常是由于不正确访问内存造成的。)

5. The report suggests demographic segmentation as a key factor in understanding consumer behavior.(报告建议人口统计学分割是理解消费者行为的关键因素。)

6. Cellular segmentation ensures each organism's body is divided into functional units.(细胞分割确保每个生物体的身体被划分为功能单元。)

7. Behavioral segmentation categorizes consumers based on their buying patterns and product usage.(行为分割根据消费者的购买模式和产品使用情况对其进行分类。)

8. The segmentation of the market into smaller niches allowed the company to address specific customer needs.(市场分割成更小的细分市场使公司能够满足特定的客户需求。)

9. Geographic segmentation targets customers based on their location or region.(地理分割根据客户的位置或地区进行定位。)

10. Email segmentation in digital marketing ensures messages are tailored to different audience segments.(在数字营销中的电子邮件分割确保消息针对不同的受众细分进行定制。)

11. Segmentation in biology refers to the division of body parts into segments or sections.(生物学中的分割指的是将身体部分分为节段或部分。)

12. Psychographic segmentation analyzes consumer lifestyles and values to determine market segments.(心理分割分析消费者的生活方式和价值观,以确定市场细分。)

13. Market segmentation strategies vary depending on the industry and product offerings.(市场细分策略因行业和产品提供而异。)

14. Effective segmentation requires accurate data and insights into consumer behavior.(有效的分割需要准确的数据和对消费者行为的深入洞察。)

15. Segmentation analysis helps businesses identify profitable market segments for targeted marketing efforts.(分割分析帮助企业确定有利可图的市场细分,以进行精准营销。)


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