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时间: 2024-09-29 02:53:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "exsert" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The flowers exserted their delicate petals in the morning sunlight.


2. The lizard exserted its tongue to catch the insect.


3. The crab exserted its eyes to get a better view of its surroundings.


4. The squid quickly exserted its tentacles to ensnare its prey.


5. Some plants exsert their seeds in a way that ensures wide dispersal.


6. The snake's fangs exserted as it prepared to strike.


7. The sea anemone exserted its tentacles to capture passing plankton.


8. The butterfly exserted its proboscis to sip nectar from the flower.


9. The octopus exserted its siphon to jet away from danger.


10. During mating season, male birds exsert colorful feathers to attract females.


11. Certain corals exsert their polyps to feed on passing nutrients.


12. The caterpillar exserted its osmeterium in defense against predators.


13. The starfish exserted its stomach to digest its prey outside its body.


14. The nematocysts exserted from the jellyfish's tentacles upon contact.


15. In response to danger, the turtle exserted its head into its shell.



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