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时间: 2024-09-29 00:47:36



1. She was arrested for distributing dissident literature. 她因分发异议文献而被捕。(指分发反对政府观点的文献)

2. The dissident group protested outside the embassy. 那个异议团体在大使馆外抗议。(指持不同政见的团体)

3. He has been labeled a dissident by the government. 政府已将他定性为异议分子。(指持不同政见或公开反对政府的人)

4. The dissidents were advocating for political reform. 那些异议分子正在倡导政治改革。(指持不同政见者)

5. The dissident journalist was expelled from the country. 那名异议记者被驱逐出境。(指持不同政见者)

6. The government cracked down on dissident voices. 政府镇压了异议之声。(指反对声音)

7. Dissidents were secretly organizing protests. 异议分子秘密组织了抗议活动。(指持不同政见者)

8. The dissident leaders were arrested during the demonstration. 异议领袖在示威活动中被逮捕。(指持不同政见者)

9. The dissident politician refused to compromise. 那位异议政治家拒绝妥协。(指持不同政见者)

10. The dissident singer used her music to criticize the regime. 那位异议歌手利用她的音乐批评政权。(指持不同政见者)

11. The dissident intellectuals faced persecution. 那些异议知识分子面临迫害。(指持不同政见者)

12. The dissident group published a manifesto against corruption. 那个异议团体发表了一份反腐败宣言。(指持不同政见的团体)

13. The dissident artist's work was censored by authorities. 那位异议艺术家的作品被当局审查。(指持不同政见者)

14. Dissident opinions were suppressed in the media. 媒体压制了异议意见。(指反对观点)

15. The dissident movement gained international support. 那场异议运动获得了国际支持。(指持不同政见的运动)


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