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时间: 2024-09-29 00:54:35



1. She ran as fast as a cheetah chasing its prey. (她跑得像一只猎豹追捕猎物一样快。)

2. His eyes were as cold as ice. (他的眼神像冰一样冷。)

3. The toddler was as curious as a cat exploring a new room. (那个蹒跚学步的孩子像一只猫一样好奇地探索着新房间。)

4. Her laughter was like music to his ears. (她的笑声像音乐般动听。)

5. The night was as black as coal. (夜晚像煤一样漆黑。)

6. His words cut through her heart like a knife. (他的话像刀子一样刺痛她的心。)

7. Time flowed by as slowly as molasses. (时间像糖浆一样缓慢流逝。)

8. Her smile was as bright as the sun. (她的微笑像太阳一样明亮。)

9. The child's temper tantrum was like a volcanic eruption. (那个孩子的发脾气像火山爆发一样。)

10. His voice was smooth like butter. (他的声音像黄油一样柔和。)

11. The storm raged on like an angry bull. (暴风雨像一头愤怒的公牛一样肆虐。)

12. Her words were as sharp as thorns. (她的话像刺一样尖锐。)

13. The party was as lively as a circus. (派对像马戏团一样热闹。)

14. The old house creaked and groaned like an ancient ship. (那座老房子吱吱作响,像一艘古老的船舶一样。)

15. His anger burned hot like a blazing fire. (他的愤怒像熊熊燃烧的火焰一样。)


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