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时间: 2024-09-29 03:01:59


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "subsist" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. He could only subsist on a diet of rice and beans while hiking through the mountains.

- 他只能靠吃米饭和豆子在山里徒步旅行时生存。

2. In the desert, certain plants have adapted to subsist on very little water.

- 在沙漠中,某些植物已经适应了很少的水分来生存。

3. The ancient tribe subsisted by hunting and gathering in the forest.

- 这个古老部落靠狩猎和在森林中采集食物来生存。

4. Despite the economic hardships, they managed to subsist through sheer determination.

- 尽管经济困难,他们凭借顽强的意志力勉强维持生计。

5. The artist subsisted on odd jobs until his paintings gained recognition.

- 这位艺术家靠做零工勉强度日,直到他的画作得到认可。

6. During the war, many families subsisted on rationed food supplies.

- 战争期间,许多家庭靠定量供应的食物勉强维持生计。

7. Without a job, how can you subsist in such an expensive city?

- 没有工作,你怎么在这样一个昂贵的城市里生存下去?

8. The hermit chose to subsist in solitude, away from the bustling world.

- 隐士选择独居,远离喧嚣的世界来维持生计。

9. They subsisted on the charity of their neighbors after the flood destroyed their home.

- 洪水摧毁了他们的家园后,他们靠邻居的慈善救助勉强度日。

10. In the prison camp, prisoners subsisted on meager rations and hope for liberation.

- 在监狱营地里,囚犯们靠微薄的口粮和对解放的希望勉强生存。

11. The fragile ecosystem can only subsist if we protect it from pollution.

- 这个脆弱的生态系统只有在我们保护它免受污染时才能生存。

12. Some creatures can subsist in extreme environments where others cannot survive.

- 一些生物可以在其他生物无法生存的极端环境中生存。

13. The family managed to subsist through the winter by conserving their resources wisely.

- 这个家庭通过明智地节约资源成功度过了冬季。

14. She subsisted on memories of happier times during her illness.

- 她在病痛中靠回忆起更快乐的时光勉强维持生计。

15. The business subsisted through the recession by diversifying its product range.

- 该企业通过扩大其产品范围在经济衰退期间勉强维持生计。


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