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时间: 2024-09-29 00:51:42


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "solitude" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. In her moments of solitude, she found clarity and peace.

- 在她独处的时刻,她找到了清晰和平静。

2. He sought solitude in the mountains, away from the noise of the city.

- 他在山中寻找孤独,远离城市的喧嚣。

3. Solitude can be both a blessing and a curse, depending on one's perspective.

- 孤独可以是一种祝福,也可以是一种诅咒,这取决于一个人的视角。

4. The writer often retreated to solitude to refine his thoughts and ideas.

- 作家经常退隐独处,以完善他的思想和观念。

5. Even in solitude, he felt connected to nature's rhythms.

- 即使在独处中,他也感受到与自然节奏的联系。

6. Solitude allowed her to delve deep into her emotions and confront her fears.

- 孤独让她深入探索自己的情感并面对自己的恐惧。

7. The old man cherished the solitude of his small cabin by the lake.

- 老人珍爱着湖边小屋的孤独。

8. After a day of socializing, she craved the solitude of her room.

- 社交一整天后,她渴望在房间里独处。

9. Solitude can foster creativity by allowing one to reflect without distraction.

- 孤独可以通过让人不受干扰地反思来培养创造力。

10. He found solace in solitude after the loss of his beloved pet.

- 在失去心爱的宠物后,他在孤独中找到了安慰。

11. The monastery provided the perfect environment for seekers of solitude.

- 这个修道院为寻求独处的人提供了完美的环境。

12. Solitude is not loneliness; it is a state of being alone without feeling lonely.

- 孤独不是孤独感;它是独自一人而不感到寂寞的状态。

13. She retreated into solitude to heal her wounded heart.

- 她退隐独处以治愈她受伤的心灵。

14. Solitude allowed him to rediscover his passion for painting.

- 孤独让他重新发现了自己对绘画的热情。

15. The poet's best verses were often born out of moments of solitude.

- 诗人最优美的诗句往往诞生于孤独的时刻。


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