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时间: 2024-09-29 00:53:42



1. She suffered from insomnia for weeks after the accident. (事故后几周她失眠了。)

2. Insomnia can be caused by stress or anxiety. (失眠可能是由于压力或焦虑引起的。)

3. He tried various remedies to cure his insomnia. (他尝试了各种方法来治疗失眠。)

4. Chronic insomnia can have serious health consequences. (慢性失眠可能会导致严重的健康问题。)

5. Lack of sleep due to insomnia affected her performance at work. (因失眠导致的睡眠不足影响了她在工作中的表现。)

6. Insomnia is characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. (失眠的特征是难以入睡或睡眠不稳定。)

7. Some medications can cause insomnia as a side effect. (一些药物可能会引起失眠作为副作用。)

8. Insomnia often leads to daytime fatigue and irritability. (失眠经常导致白天疲劳和易怒。)

9. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been effective in treating insomnia. (认知行为疗法在治疗失眠方面非常有效。)

10. Insomnia can disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle. (失眠可能会打乱身体的自然睡眠-清醒周期。)

11. She consulted a doctor about her persistent insomnia. (她向医生咨询了她持续的失眠问题。)

12. Insomnia is more common among elderly individuals. (失眠在老年人中更为普遍。)

13. Regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms of insomnia. (定期运动可以帮助缓解失眠症状。)

14. Stress management techniques can be beneficial for people with insomnia. (应激管理技巧对于失眠的人有益。)

15. Herbal teas are often recommended as a natural remedy for insomnia. (草药茶常被推荐作为治疗失眠的天然方法。)


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