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时间: 2024-09-29 00:45:48


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations for the word "sophisticate":

1. She was a sophisticate who effortlessly navigated through high society events. (她是一个老练的人,毫不费力地在高社交活动中游刃有余。)

2. The book is written for sophisticates interested in the nuances of modern art. (这本书是为对现代艺术细微差别感兴趣的老练人士写的。)

3. His taste in literature revealed him to be a true sophisticate. (他在文学品味上表现出真正的老练。)

4. As a sophisticate, she was accustomed to the finer things in life. (作为一个老练的人,她习惯于生活中的优雅品味。)

5. The magazine caters to sophisticates with a keen interest in global affairs. (这本杂志迎合那些对全球事务有浓厚兴趣的老练人士。)

6. He was regarded as a sophisticate because of his extensive knowledge of wines. (由于他对葡萄酒有着广泛的知识,他被认为是一个老练的人。)

7. Only a true sophisticate could appreciate the subtleties of her humor. (只有真正的老练人士才能欣赏到她幽默的微妙之处。)

8. The restaurant attracts sophisticates who appreciate innovative cuisine. (这家餐厅吸引了那些欣赏创新美食的老练人士。)

9. Despite his youth, he spoke like a sophisticate well beyond his years. (尽管年轻,但他说话的风格像是远远超过他年龄的老练人士。)

10. She became a sophisticate after years of living in cosmopolitan cities. (在生活了多年的国际大都市后,她变得越来越老练。)

11. The debate was filled with sophisticated arguments that only a sophisticate could fully grasp. (辩论中充满了复杂的论点,只有老练的人才能完全理解。)

12. He exuded an air of sophistication that marked him as a true sophisticate. (他散发出一种精致的气质,标志着他是一个真正的老练人士。)

13. As a sophisticate, he effortlessly adapted to different social situations. (作为一个老练的人,他毫不费力地适应了不同的社交场合。)

14. Only a sophisticate like her could appreciate the subtle flavors of the dish. (只有像她这样的老练人士才能欣赏到这道菜的微妙味道。)

15. The conference was attended by sophisticates from various fields, discussing complex global issues. (会议上聚集了来自各个领域的老练人士,讨论复杂的全球问题。)


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