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时间: 2024-10-07 06:52:44


Certainly! "Dispersion" has a few different meanings in English, so I'll provide example sentences for each meaning along with their Chinese translations:

1. Dispersion (分散): The dispersion of seeds allows plants to spread over a wide area.

- 种子的分散使得植物能够在广泛的地区传播。

2. Dispersion (散布): The dispersion of information through social media can be rapid and far-reaching.

- 信息通过社交媒体的散布可以迅速而广泛。

3. Dispersion (色散): The dispersion of light through a prism separates it into its component colors.

- 光通过棱镜的色散效应将其分解为不同的颜色。

4. Dispersion (分散度): The dispersion of a statistical dataset can be measured using the standard deviation.

- 统计数据集的分散度可以用标准差来衡量。

5. Dispersion (分裂): Social unrest can lead to the dispersion of communities as people seek safety.

- 社会动荡可能导致社区的分裂,因为人们寻求安全。

6. Dispersion (分散性): The dispersion of troops along the front line weakened their defensive capabilities.

- 部队在前线的分散性削弱了它们的防御能力。

7. Dispersion (散射): The dispersion of sound waves in the forest made it difficult to locate the source of the noise.

- 声波在森林中的散射使得难以确定噪音的来源。

8. Dispersion (离散): The dispersion of families across different continents has become common in our globalized world.

- 家庭在不同大陆的离散在我们全球化的世界中变得很普遍。

9. Dispersion (散播): The dispersion of rumors during times of crisis can create unnecessary panic.

- 危机期间谣言的散播可能造成不必要的恐慌。

10. Dispersion (分散排列): The dispersion of stars in the night sky creates a breathtaking view.

- 夜空中星星的分散排列形成了令人叹为观止的景象。

11. Dispersion (散布性): The dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere affects air quality over a wide area.

- 污染物在大气中的散布性影响了广泛地区的空气质量。

12. Dispersion (传播): The dispersion of the virus was exacerbated by international travel.

- 病毒的传播因国际旅行而加剧。

13. Dispersion (分布): The dispersion of wildlife in the national park reflects its diverse habitats.

- 国家公园中野生动物的分布反映了其多样的栖息地。

14. Dispersion (分解): The dispersion of organic matter in the soil enriches its nutrient content.

- 有机物在土壤中的分解丰富了其养分含量。

15. Dispersion (散发): The dispersion of heat from the engine keeps it from overheating.

- 引擎散发的热量防止了其过热。


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