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时间: 2024-10-07 06:50:35


当然,请看以下关于 "aspersion" 的例句及其中文解释:

1. He cast aspersions on her integrity by spreading rumors. (他通过散布谣言来诽谤她的诚信。)

2. Such baseless accusations are clearly intended aspersions. (这种毫无根据的指控显然是在诽谤。)

3. She responded calmly to the aspersions made against her character. (她对针对她品格的诽谤作出了冷静的回应。)

4. The article was filled with unfair aspersions against the politician. (这篇文章充满了对这位政治家不公正的诽谤。)

5. Despite the aspersions, his reputation remained untarnished. (尽管遭到诽谤,他的声誉依然未受损。)

6. They tried to damage his credibility with unfounded aspersions. (他们试图用毫无根据的诽谤来损害他的信誉。)

7. The remarks were seen as an attempt to cast aspersions on his leadership. (这些言论被视为试图诽谤他的领导能力。)

8. She was hurt by the aspersions on her professional competence. (她因对她专业能力的诽谤感到受伤。)

9. The investigation cleared him of all the aspersions against him. (调查澄清了针对他的所有诽谤。)

10. They were quick to cast aspersions on his motives. (他们很快对他的动机进行诽谤。)

11. His opponents resorted to aspersions when they couldn't argue on facts. (当他们无法就事实争辩时,他的对手诽谤起来。)

12. The aspersions were intended to weaken public trust in the institution. (这些诽谤意在削弱公众对该机构的信任。)

13. She refused to engage in the mudslinging of baseless aspersions. (她拒绝参与毫无根据的诽谤的抹黑活动。)

14. Despite the aspersions, his supporters remained loyal. (尽管受到诽谤,他的支持者仍然忠诚。)

15. Legal action was taken against those who spread malicious aspersions. (对那些散布恶意诽谤的人采取了法律行动。)

希望这些例句能帮助您更好地理解 "aspersion" 这个词的用法和含义。

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