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时间: 2024-09-17 13:10:55



1. She asked me to summarize the main points of the presentation. (她要求我总结演讲的要点。)

2. Can you summarize the plot of the book for me? (你能把这本书的情节概括一下吗?)

3. The teacher asked the students to summarize the article in their own words. (老师让学生用自己的话概括这篇文章。)

4. His job is to summarize financial reports for the board of directors. (他的工作是为董事会总结财务报告。)

5. In conclusion, let me summarize the main arguments. (总之,让我概括一下主要的论点。)

6. Could you summarize what we've discussed so far? (你能把我们到目前为止讨论过的内容总结一下吗?)

7. The executive summary should effectively summarize the entire proposal. (执行摘要应有效地总结整个提案。)

8. The book provides a summarized history of the region. (这本书提供了该地区的简要历史。)

9. The newspaper article summarizes the findings of the latest research study. (报纸文章总结了最新研究的发现。)

10. Each chapter ends with a section that summarizes key points. (每章都以总结关键点的部分结束。)

11. The report will summarize the project's progress to date. (报告将总结到目前为止项目的进展情况。)

12. Her task was to summarize the survey results in a concise manner. (她的任务是以简洁的方式总结调查结果。)

13. The summary at the beginning of the article provides a quick overview. (文章开头的摘要提供了快速的概述。)

14. The CEO summarized the company's performance in the annual meeting. (CEO在年会上总结了公司的业绩。)

15. The documentary summarizes the events leading to the revolution. (这部纪录片总结了导致革命的事件。)


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