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时间: 2024-09-17 13:27:37



1. Her job was so consuming that she rarely had time for hobbies. (她的工作非常耗时,几乎没有时间做爱好。)

2. The book described a consuming love affair that changed the characters' lives forever. (这本书描述了一段深沉的爱情,改变了角色们的生活。)

3. He found the task of rebuilding the house emotionally consuming. (他觉得重建房子的任务在情感上非常耗费精力。)

4. Watching the show became a consuming passion for her. (看这个节目成为了她的一种热情。)

5. She was deeply consumed by her consuming desire to succeed. (她被渴望成功的强烈欲望深深吞噬。)

6. His consuming need for approval affected all his decisions. (他对认可的极度需求影响了他所有的决定。)

7. The artist's work was a consuming obsession that dominated his life. (这位艺术家的工作是一种深入人心的执着,主宰了他的生活。)

8. The project proved to be more consuming than they had anticipated. (这个项目的耗费超过了他们的预期。)

9. Dealing with the aftermath of the accident was emotionally consuming. (处理事故后果在情感上非常耗费精力。)

10. His consuming fear of failure prevented him from taking risks. (他对失败的极度恐惧阻止了他去冒险。)

11. The novel's consuming plot kept readers engaged until the very end. (小说扣人心弦的情节让读者一直沉浸到最后。)

12. She found herself in a consuming dilemma between career and family. (她陷入了事业与家庭之间的深重困境。)

13. Their consuming rivalry extended beyond the playing field. (他们的激烈竞争不仅限于赛场。)

14. Overcoming his consuming grief took years of therapy. (克服他深深的悲伤花了多年的治疗。)

15. The team's consuming dedication led them to victory. (团队的全身心投入使他们取得了胜利。)


上一个 【英语】consummation的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】reassume的例句



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