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时间: 2024-09-17 13:10:19


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "sumptuous" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The banquet was a sumptuous affair, with gourmet dishes served all night long.(宴会豪华华丽,整晚供应美食。)

2. She wore a sumptuous gown adorned with jewels and intricate embroidery.(她穿着一袭华丽的礼服,镶嵌着珠宝和精致的刺绣。)

3. The hotel suite was decorated in sumptuous fabrics and elegant furnishings.(酒店套房装饰着豪华的织物和优雅的家具。)

4. They enjoyed a sumptuous feast to celebrate their anniversary.(他们享受了一顿丰盛的盛宴来庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。)

5. The movie portrayed the life of the rich and famous, with their sumptuous parties and luxurious lifestyles.(电影描绘了富人和名人的生活,包括他们豪华的派对和奢华的生活方式。)

6. The palace was known for its sumptuous architecture and lavish gardens.(这座宫殿以其豪华的建筑和奢华的花园而闻名。)

7. She prepared a sumptuous meal for her family's reunion.(她为家庭团聚准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜。)

8. The art exhibition featured sumptuous paintings from the Renaissance period.(艺术展览展示了文艺复兴时期的豪华绘画。)

9. The cruise ship offered sumptuous accommodations with ocean views.(这艘游轮提供了海景豪华住宿。)

10. The newlyweds stayed in a sumptuous honeymoon suite overlooking the city skyline.(新婚夫妇住在一间俯瞰城市天际线的豪华蜜月套房。)

11. The emperor's palace was filled with sumptuous tapestries and golden statues.(皇帝的宫殿里布满了豪华的挂毯和金色雕像。)

12. The spa offered a sumptuous array of treatments including massages and facials.(这家水疗中心提供了丰富多样的护理,包括按摩和面部护理。)

13. The resort provided guests with sumptuous breakfast buffets overlooking the beach.(度假村为客人提供了俯瞰海滩的丰盛早餐自助餐。)

14. The novel described a sumptuous ball where the elite of society gathered.(小说描绘了一个社会精英聚集的豪华舞会。)

15. The play featured sumptuous costumes that recreated the fashion of the Victorian era.(这部戏剧展示了复刻维多利亚时代时尚的豪华服装。)

这些句子展示了"sumptuous" 这个词在不同场景下的用法和含义。

上一个 【英语】presumption的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】surety的例句



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