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时间: 2024-09-17 13:08:46


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "assuredly" along with their Chinese translations:

1. She will assuredly succeed if she keeps working hard. (她如果继续努力工作,肯定会成功。)

2. The plan, though ambitious, will assuredly yield great results. (尽管计划雄心勃勃,但肯定会取得巨大成就。)

3. His dedication to the project will assuredly pay off in the long run. (他对这个项目的投入将来肯定会有所回报。)

4. The team's experience in similar situations will assuredly guide them through this challenge. (团队在类似情况下的经验肯定会帮助他们克服这一挑战。)

5. Even though progress may be slow, we will assuredly reach our destination. (尽管进展可能缓慢,但我们肯定会达到目的地。)

6. The evidence presented in court assuredly pointed to the defendant's guilt. (法庭上呈现的证据明确指向被告的有罪。)

7. With careful planning, we can assuredly avoid any potential pitfalls. (通过仔细规划,我们可以确保避免任何潜在的困难。)

8. His reputation as a reliable worker is assuredly deserved. (他作为一名可靠工人的声誉确实应得的。)

9. Assuredly, there will be challenges along the way, but we are prepared for them. (毫无疑问,路上会有挑战,但我们已经做好了准备。)

10. The committee's decision was assuredly based on careful consideration of all factors. (委员会的决定毫无疑问是基于对所有因素仔细考虑的。)

11. She will assuredly bring fresh perspectives to the team's discussions. (她肯定会给团队的讨论带来新的视角。)

12. The investment in education will assuredly lead to greater opportunities for the next generation. (对教育的投资肯定会为下一代带来更多机会。)

13. The chef's innovative recipes will assuredly impress even the most discerning diners. (厨师创新的菜谱肯定会让最具鉴赏力的食客印象深刻。)

14. Despite the setbacks, the team is assuredly moving towards success. (尽管遇到了挫折,但团队肯定在朝着成功的方向前进。)

15. Assuredly, his generosity will be remembered by those he helped. (毫无疑问,他的慷慨将被那些他帮助过的人铭记。)


上一个 【英语】surety的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】insure的例句



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