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时间: 2024-09-17 13:03:01


Sure, here are 15 sentences using "contagious" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The flu is highly contagious during the winter months.

- 冬季流感非常易传染。

2. Laughter is contagious; soon the whole room was echoing with joy.

- 笑声具有传染性,很快整个房间都充满了欢乐的回声。

3. The disease spread rapidly through the community due to its contagious nature.

- 由于其传染性,这种疾病在社区内迅速蔓延开来。

4. His enthusiasm for the project proved to be contagious, inspiring everyone around him.

- 他对这个项目的热情是如此感染力,激励了他周围的每个人。

5. Yawning can be quite contagious, especially in a quiet room.

- 打哈欠可能会相当传染,特别是在一个安静的房间里。

6. Fear can be as contagious as excitement in a crowd.

- 在人群中,恐惧可以像兴奋一样具有传染性。

7. The contagious laughter of the children filled the playground.

- 孩子们传染性的笑声充满了游乐场。

8. His optimism was contagious, lifting the spirits of everyone in the office.

- 他的乐观是如此感染人,振奋了办公室里的每个人的精神。

9. Social media can make trends go viral due to their contagious nature.

- 社交媒体可以使趋势因其传染性而迅速扩散。

10. The contagious enthusiasm of the fans energized the team during the match.

- 球迷们传染性的热情在比赛中激励了球队。

11. Her happiness was contagious, spreading to everyone at the party.

- 她的快乐是如此感染人,在派对上传播开来。

12. The rumor proved to be highly contagious, spreading across the school within hours.

- 这个谣言证明非常具有传染性,在几个小时内就传遍了整个学校。

13. A smile is contagious; it can brighten someone's day.

- 微笑是具有传染性的,它可以让某人的一天变得明亮起来。

14. Negative attitudes can be contagious, affecting the morale of the entire team.

- 负面态度可能会具有传染性,影响整个团队的士气。

15. The virus is highly contagious and spreads through respiratory droplets.

- 这种病毒高度传染性,通过呼吸道飞沫传播。


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