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时间: 2024-09-19 11:28:15


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using "pertain" along with their Chinese translations:

1. This rule does not pertain to employees who work remotely. - 这条规定不适用于远程工作的员工。

2. The discussion mainly pertained to financial projections for the next quarter. - 讨论主要涉及下个季度的财务预测。

3. Her concerns pertain directly to the safety of our equipment. - 她的担忧直接与我们设备的安全相关。

4. The guidelines pertain equally to all participants. - 这些指南对所有参与者都适用。

5. Does this information pertain to the current situation? - 这些信息与当前情况有关吗?

6. The law pertains specifically to environmental protection. - 这项法律特别涉及环境保护。

7. His comments only pertain to the first part of the proposal. - 他的评论只涉及提案的第一部分。

8. The new policy pertains to all new hires. - 新政策适用于所有新员工。

9. This chapter will pertain to the early history of the region. - 本章将涉及该地区的早期历史。

10. The issue of funding pertains primarily to the budget committee. - 资金问题主要与预算委员会有关。

11. The regulations pertain to the use of public spaces. - 这些法规涉及公共空间的使用。

12. These guidelines pertain specifically to software development. - 这些指南特别适用于软件开发。

13. Their argument pertains to the interpretation of the contract. - 他们的争论涉及合同的解释。

14. The changes pertain to all levels of the organization. - 这些变化适用于组织的所有层次。

15. How does this information pertain to our project timeline? - 这些信息如何与我们的项目时间表相关?

These sentences illustrate various contexts in which "pertain" is used, from legal and procedural matters to general discussions and specific topics.

上一个 【英语】attainment的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】tenable的例句



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