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时间: 2024-09-10 04:12:19


Certainly! Here are 15 example sentences using the word "untenable," along with their Chinese translations:

1. The company found the current economic situation untenable and had to close its doors. (公司发现当前的经济状况难以为继,不得不关门大吉。)

2. His argument against the new policy was deemed untenable by the board. (他对新政策的反对理由被董事会认为站不住脚。)

3. The politician's position became untenable after the scandal was exposed. (这位政治家在丑闻曝光后的立场变得岌岌可危。)

4. The bridge was so damaged that it became untenable for use. (这座桥损坏严重,无法继续使用。)

5. Trying to maintain the facade of normalcy became increasingly untenable as the truth emerged. (随着真相的揭露,试图维持正常状态的做法变得越来越站不住脚。)

6. His claim of innocence became untenable in the face of overwhelming evidence. (面对压倒性的证据,他的无辜辩解站不住脚了。)

7. The army's position in the valley was untenable due to the lack of supplies. (由于缺乏补给,军队在山谷中的阵地岌岌可危。)

8. Without external funding, the project's future looks untenable. (缺乏外部资金支持,项目的未来看起来十分不稳定。)

9. The defense lawyer argued that the charges against his client were untenable. (辩护律师主张指控他的客户是站不住脚的。)

10. Their relationship became untenable after years of mistrust and misunderstandings. (多年的不信任和误解使得他们的关系难以为继。)

11. The building's structural damage rendered it untenable for habitation. (建筑结构的损坏使得它无法供人居住。)

12. The team's strategy was considered untenable after consecutive defeats. (在连续失败之后,团队的策略被认为站不住脚了。)

13. The financial projections made the business plan look untenable to investors. (财务预测使得投资者认为这个商业计划不可行。)

14. His position in the company became untenable after the merger. (在合并之后,他在公司中的地位变得岌岌可危。)

15. The treaty became untenable when one of the signatories refused to ratify it. (当其中一方拒绝批准时,条约变得站不住脚了。)


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