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时间: 2024-10-05 22:45:58


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "temporal" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The temporal sequence of events in the story was crucial to understanding its plot. (故事中事件的时间顺序对理解情节至关重要。)

2. Temporal lobe epilepsy can cause unusual sensations and perceptions. (颞叶癫痫可能导致异常的感觉和知觉。)

3. The artist captured the temporal beauty of the sunset in his painting. (艺术家在画作中捕捉到了日落的瞬时美丽。)

4. She was fascinated by the temporal nature of fashion trends. (她对时尚趋势的短暂性感到着迷。)

5. The monks practiced meditation to achieve a state of temporal detachment. (僧侣们通过冥想来达到一种超脱尘世的状态。)

6. The temporal ruler of the kingdom was known for his wise decisions. (这个王国的临时统治者以其明智的决策而闻名。)

7. He reflected on the temporal aspects of life and realized the importance of living in the moment. (他思考生命的暂时性,并意识到活在当下的重要性。)

8. The temporal power of the government was challenged during the crisis. (政府的临时权力在危机期间受到了挑战。)

9. Temporal measurements showed a slight increase in temperature over the past decade. (时间上的测量显示过去十年温度略有上升。)

10. The doctor explained that the patient's memory loss was due to damage in the temporal lobe. (医生解释说患者的记忆丧失是由于颞叶受损引起的。)

11. The novel explores the temporal paradoxes of time travel. (这部小说探讨了时间旅行的时间悖论。)

12. Temporal constraints prevented them from finishing the project on time. (时间上的限制阻止了他们按时完成项目。)

13. She marveled at the temporal harmony of nature as the seasons changed seamlessly. (她对大自然季节更替时的时间和谐感到惊叹。)

14. The historian studied the temporal evolution of political ideologies over the centuries. (历史学家研究了几个世纪以来政治意识形态的时间演变。)

15. In some cultures, temporal leaders are seen as representatives of divine will. (在一些文化中,临时领导者被视为神圣意志的代表。)


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