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时间: 2024-09-20 01:05:47


Certainly! "Diathermal" refers to something that allows the passage of heat or energy through it. Here are 15 example sentences with Chinese explanations:

1. The diathermal wall allowed heat to pass freely between the rooms. (这面透热的墙壁使得热量可以自由地在房间之间传递。)

2. Diathermal materials are used in building construction to regulate temperature efficiently. (透热材料在建筑中被用来有效地调节温度。)

3. The greenhouse glass is diathermal, ensuring optimal conditions for plant growth. (温室玻璃透热,确保了植物生长的最佳条件。)

4. This fabric is diathermal, which makes it suitable for both warm and cool weather. (这种布料透热性好,适合暖和和凉爽的天气。)

5. The diathermal window treatments helped maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. (透热的窗帘帮助保持室内舒适的温度。)

6. Engineers designed the building with diathermal insulation to conserve energy. (工程师设计建筑时采用了透热隔热材料以节约能源。)

7. The diathermal properties of the material allow for efficient heat transfer in the heat exchanger. (这种材料的透热性能使得热交换器中的热量传递更为高效。)

8. Researchers are studying new diathermal composites for aerospace applications. (研究人员正在研究新型透热复合材料,用于航空航天应用。)

9. The diathermal effect of the mountain range creates unique climate patterns in the region. (山脉的透热效应在该地区形成了独特的气候模式。)

10. Diathermal rocks underneath the surface contribute to the thermal springs in the area. (地表下的透热岩石导致了该地区的温泉形成。)

11. The diathermal membrane allows for efficient energy transfer in biological systems. (透热膜在生物系统中能够实现高效的能量传递。)

12. Diathermal ceramics are essential in kiln designs to ensure even heating. (透热陶瓷在窑炉设计中至关重要,以确保均匀加热。)

13. The diathermal behavior of the alloy changes at different temperatures. (合金的透热特性在不同温度下会有所变化。)

14. The diathermal process allows for precise control of heat distribution in industrial applications. (透热工艺能够在工业应用中精确控制热量分布。)

15. Understanding the diathermal properties of the material is crucial for optimizing its performance. (理解材料的透热性能对优化其性能至关重要。)

These sentences illustrate various contexts where "diathermal" is used, highlighting its role in heat transfer and energy management.

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