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时间: 2024-09-14 04:52:15


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "attribution" with Chinese explanations:

1. The attribution of the painting to Leonardo da Vinci sparked heated debate among art historians. (这幅画被归属为列奥纳多·达·芬奇的作品,在艺术历史学家中引发了激烈的辩论。)

2. Proper attribution of sources is crucial in academic writing to avoid plagiarism. (在学术写作中正确引用来源是至关重要的,以避免抄袭。)

3. The journalist's article lacked proper attribution for some of the key quotes. (这位记者的文章没有对一些关键引用进行适当的归因。)

4. In literature, attribution of authorship can sometimes be contentious and difficult to establish. (在文学中,作品的归属有时可能是有争议的,也很难确认。)

5. The study included an attribution of success factors to both external and internal factors. (这项研究将成功的因素归因于外部和内部因素。)

6. Attribution theory seeks to understand how individuals attribute causes to events. (归因理论旨在理解个体如何将原因归因于事件。)

7. The attribution of blame in the accident was complex, involving multiple contributing factors. (事故中责任的归属非常复杂,涉及多个因素。)

8. Attribution errors can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications in interpersonal relationships. (归因错误可能导致人际关系中的误解和沟通不畅。)

9. The CEO's success was largely attributed to her visionary leadership style. (CEO 的成功很大程度上归因于她的有远见的领导风格。)

10. In psychology, attributional biases can influence how individuals perceive and interact with others. (在心理学中,归因偏见可以影响个体如何感知和与他人互动。)

11. Proper attribution of statistical data is essential in research to ensure accuracy and transparency. (在研究中,正确引用统计数据对于确保准确性和透明度至关重要。)

12. The attribution of responsibility for environmental degradation is a global issue requiring collective action. (对环境恶化责任的归属是一个全球性问题,需要集体行动。)

13. The attribution of motives behind his actions remains a topic of debate among analysts. (对他行动背后动机的归属仍然是分析师们争论的话题。)

14. The company's success was attributed in part to its innovative marketing strategies. (公司的成功部分归因于其创新的营销策略。)

15. Attributional style can affect an individual's resilience and ability to cope with adversity. (归因风格可以影响个体的适应能力和应对逆境的能力。)


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