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时间: 2024-09-17 13:24:38



1. I didn’t mean to intrude on your private conversation.

- 我不想打扰你们的私人谈话。

2. She felt uncomfortable when the stranger intruded on her personal space.

- 当陌生人侵犯她的个人空间时,她感到不舒服。

3. He apologized for intruding at such a late hour.

- 他为在这么晚的时候打扰而道歉。

4. The loud noise from the construction site intruded upon their peaceful afternoon.

- 建筑工地的噪音打破了他们宁静的下午。

5. I hope I’m not intruding, but could I ask you a question?

- 我希望我没有打扰到你,但我可以问你一个问题吗?

6. The uninvited guest intruded on the family dinner.

- 那个没有被邀请的客人打扰了家庭晚餐。

7. She felt that her opinions were being intruded upon during the meeting.

- 她觉得在会议中她的意见被干扰了。

8. The new policies seemed to intrude on personal freedoms.

- 新政策似乎侵犯了个人自由。

9. They were careful not to intrude upon the cultural practices of the local community.

- 他们小心不去侵犯当地社区的文化习俗。

10. The artist’s work intrudes into our everyday lives with its bold messages.

- 这位艺术家的作品以其大胆的信息侵入我们的日常生活。

11. Sometimes, technology intrudes on our moments of relaxation.

- 有时候,技术会打扰我们的放松时光。

12. The invasive species have intruded into the native habitat and caused ecological problems.

- 入侵物种侵入了本土栖息地,并造成了生态问题。

13. It was rude to intrude on their private affairs without permission.

- 在未经允许的情况下干涉他们的私人事务是无礼的。

14. His constant questions began to intrude upon the flow of the conversation.

- 他不断的问题开始打断谈话的流畅性。

15. The reporter intruded on the celebrity’s personal life.

- 记者侵犯了名人的个人生活。

上一个 【英语】extrude的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】intruder的例句



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