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时间: 2024-09-17 13:23:40


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "intrusion" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The security alarm was triggered by an intrusion into the restricted area. (安全警报是因为有人侵入了限制区域。)

2. She felt a sense of intrusion when her privacy was violated. (当她的隐私被侵犯时,她感到一种侵入感。)

3. The intrusion of technology into everyday life has both positive and negative impacts. (技术对日常生活的介入既有积极影响,也有负面影响。)

4. The government condemned the intrusion of foreign troops into their territory. (政府谴责外国军队对其领土的侵入。)

5. We installed security cameras to prevent any unauthorized intrusions. (我们安装了安全摄像头,以防止任何未经授权的侵入。)

6. The loud noise outside was an unwelcome intrusion during their meeting. (外面的嘈杂声在他们的会议期间是一种不受欢迎的干扰。)

7. The therapist discussed strategies to handle intrusive thoughts. (治疗师讨论了处理侵入性思维的策略。)

8. The new skyscraper was seen as an intrusion into the historic skyline of the city. (新的摩天大楼被视为对城市历史天际线的一种侵犯。)

9. In some cultures, direct eye contact is considered an intrusion of personal space. (在某些文化中,直接的眼神交流被视为侵犯个人空间。)

10. The phone call was an unwelcome intrusion during his quiet evening. (电话的来电在他安静的夜晚是一种不受欢迎的打扰。)

11. The journalist faced criticism for his intrusive questioning during the interview. (这位记者因为在采访中过于刨根问底而遭到批评。)

12. The company's policy prohibits the intrusion of personal beliefs into professional decision-making. (公司的政策禁止个人信仰在专业决策中的介入。)

13. The wildlife sanctuary was established to protect the area from human intrusion. (野生动物保护区成立以保护该地区免受人类干扰。)

14. The intrusion of noise from the construction site disrupted the peace of the neighborhood. (来自施工现场的噪音干扰了社区的和平。)

15. The detective investigated the intrusion into the company's confidential files. (侦探调查了对公司机密文件的侵入事件。)


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