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时间: 2024-09-17 13:14:05


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "abstruse" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The professor's lectures were filled with abstruse mathematical theories that were difficult for most students to grasp.

- 这位教授的讲座充满了深奥的数学理论,大多数学生难以理解。

2. The book delves into abstruse philosophical concepts that challenge even seasoned scholars.

- 这本书深入探讨了深奥的哲学概念,即使是经验丰富的学者也感到挑战。

3. He enjoyed discussing abstruse topics such as quantum mechanics and string theory.

- 他喜欢讨论深奥的话题,如量子力学和弦理论。

4. The novel's plot was obscured by the author's abstruse writing style.

- 小说的情节被作者深奥的写作风格所掩盖。

5. The researcher presented an abstruse hypothesis that required further experimentation to validate.

- 研究人员提出了一个深奥的假设,需要进一步的实验来验证。

6. The software manual was filled with abstruse technical jargon that confused novice users.

- 软件手册充斥着深奥的技术术语,使初学者感到困惑。

7. The debate became bogged down in abstruse arguments about semantics.

- 辩论陷入了关于语义的深奥争论之中。

8. Despite its abstruse plot, the film attracted a niche audience of intellectuals.

- 尽管剧情深奥,这部电影吸引了一小群知识分子观众。

9. The poem's meaning was often obscured by its abstruse metaphors.

- 这首诗的意义常常被其深奥的比喻所模糊。

10. The abstruse nature of the legal document required consultation with a specialized attorney.

- 法律文件的深奥性需要咨询专业的律师。

11. The professor's speech was marked by abstruse references to obscure historical events.

- 教授的演讲充斥着对晦涩历史事件的深奥引用。

12. The composer's music was criticized for its abstruse structure that alienated mainstream listeners.

- 作曲家的音乐因其深奥的结构而受到批评,这使得主流听众感到疏远。

13. The conference featured abstruse presentations on cutting-edge scientific research.

- 会议上展示了有关前沿科学研究的深奥演讲。

14. Her novel explored abstruse themes of existentialism and human consciousness.

- 她的小说探讨了关于存在主义和人类意识的深奥主题。

15. The abstruse nature of the ancient text required years of study to fully comprehend.

- 古代文本的深奥性需要多年的学习才能完全理解。


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