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时间: 2024-09-17 13:26:41


“Imperturbable” 是一个形容词,指的是一个人非常冷静、稳定、不容易被打扰或激怒。以下是15个关于“imperturbable”的例句,以及它们的中文解释:

1. Her imperturbable demeanor made her an excellent negotiator.

- 她冷静的举止让她成为了一位出色的谈判者。

2. Despite the chaos around him, he remained imperturbable.

- 尽管周围一片混乱,他依然保持冷静。

3. The imperturbable leader guided his team through the crisis with ease.

- 那位冷静的领导轻松地带领他的团队度过了危机。

4. Even under intense pressure, she is imperturbable.

- 即使在极大的压力下,她也保持冷静。

5. His imperturbable attitude during the interview impressed the panel.

- 他在面试中的冷静态度给评审团留下了深刻的印象。

6. She was imperturbable, no matter how much the children acted up.

- 无论孩子们怎么闹腾,她都保持冷静。

7. The judge’s imperturbable nature earned him the respect of all parties involved.

- 法官冷静的性格赢得了所有相关方的尊敬。

8. His imperturbable response to the criticism was quite admirable.

- 他对批评的冷静回应令人钦佩。

9. She approached the challenging situation with an imperturbable grace.

- 她以一种冷静的优雅方式面对这个挑战性的局面。

10. His imperturbable nature made him a reliable partner in high-stakes situations.

- 他冷静的性格使他在高风险的情况下成为一个可靠的伙伴。

11. The scientist remained imperturbable despite the failed experiments.

- 尽管实验失败了,科学家仍然保持冷静。

12. Even when the project fell behind schedule, her imperturbable calm kept everyone focused.

- 即使项目进度滞后,她冷静的态度让大家保持了专注。

13. The monk’s imperturbable serenity was a source of inspiration for many.

- 那位僧侣冷静的宁静是许多人灵感的来源。

14. He had an imperturbable confidence that nothing could shake.

- 他有一种无法动摇的冷静自信。

15. During the emergency, she showed an imperturbable strength of character.

- 在紧急情况下,她展现了冷静的性格力量。


上一个 【英语】perturbative的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】turmoil的例句



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