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时间: 2024-09-17 13:23:09


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using the word "twine," along with their Chinese explanations:

1. She used twine to tie up the bundle of newspapers. (她用麻绳捆绑报纸捆)

2. The vines twine around the old oak tree. (藤蔓缠绕在老橡树上)

3. He wrapped the gift with colorful twine. (他用彩色麻绳包裹礼物)

4. The yarn twined smoothly as she knitted. (她编织时毛线顺利交织)

5. The cat likes to twine around my legs. (猫喜欢绕着我的腿转圈)

6. She made a bracelet out of silver twine. (她用银色麻绳制成了手镯)

7. The rivers twine through the valley. (河流蜿蜒穿过山谷)

8. His fingers deftly twine the thread into a knot. (他灵巧地把线条打成一个结)

9. The ivy twined itself around the garden gate. (常春藤盘绕着花园的大门)

10. They used twine to secure the tent stakes. (他们用麻绳固定帐篷的桩)

11. The rope twined tightly around the pole. (绳子紧紧地缠绕在柱子上)

12. She likes to twine flowers into her hair. (她喜欢把花儿编织进她的头发里)

13. The melody and lyrics twine together beautifully. (旋律和歌词美妙地交织在一起)

14. The climbers twine up the trellis to reach sunlight. (攀援植物沿着格子架向阳光攀爬)

15. He twined his arms around her waist. (他把双臂缠绕在她的腰间)


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