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时间: 2024-09-17 13:21:14


Certainly! "Umbra" 是拉丁文,意为“阴影”或“黑影”,在英语中通常指影子的最暗部分,尤其是在日食或月食时指影子的中心部分。

1. During the solar eclipse, we were able to observe the moon's umbra crossing the Earth's surface.(在日食期间,我们能够观察到月亮的本影横穿地球表面。)

2. The photographer captured the cat sitting in the umbra of the tree, creating a dramatic contrast of light and shadow.(摄影师捕捉到猫咪坐在树荫下,形成了光影的戏剧性对比。)

3. In the umbra of the building, it was cooler and more comfortable than under the direct sun.(在建筑的阴影中,比起直接阳光下更凉爽舒适。)

4. She stood in the umbra, waiting for him to notice her presence.(她站在阴影里,等待他注意到她的存在。)

5. The city's skyline was darkened by the approaching umbra of the storm clouds.(城市天际线被逼近的暴风雨云层的阴影所笼罩。)

6. The detective searched for clues in the umbra of the old abandoned warehouse.(侦探在废弃的老仓库的阴影中寻找线索。)

7. Birds often seek refuge in the umbra of dense foliage during hot summer days.(鸟类在炎热的夏季常常在浓密树叶的阴影下寻找避难所。)

8. The ancient ritual was performed in the umbra of secrecy, away from prying eyes.(古老的仪式在隐秘的阴影中进行,远离窥探的目光。)

9. The cave provided a natural umbra from the harsh desert sun.(洞穴为人们提供了一处自然的遮阴,避免了严酷的沙漠阳光。)

10. The explorer paused to rest in the umbra of the cliff, shielded from the wind.(探险家在悬崖的阴影中停下来休息,避开了风。)

11. His dreams lurked in the umbra between wakefulness and sleep.(他的梦境隐藏在清醒与睡眠之间的阴影中。)

12. The village lay in the umbra of the mountain, sheltered from the worst of the winter storms.(村庄坐落在山的阴影下,免受严冬暴风雪的侵袭。)

13. She preferred to paint in the umbra of twilight, capturing the ethereal hues of dusk.(她喜欢在黄昏的阴影中作画,捕捉黄昏时分那些超凡的色彩。)

14. The conspirators whispered in the umbra of the garden, plotting their next move.(阴谋者们在花园的阴影中低语,策划着他们的下一步行动。)

15. The philosopher contemplated life's mysteries in the umbra of solitude.(哲学家在孤独的阴影中思索生命的奥秘。)


上一个 【英语】untwine的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】umbrage的例句



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