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时间: 2024-09-17 13:28:44


Certainly! 这里有关于“unification”(统一)的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The unification of Germany in 1990 marked a significant moment in European history. (1990年的德国统一标志着欧洲历史上的重要时刻。)

2. The company aims for the unification of its global operations under one centralized system. (公司旨在将其全球运营统一在一个集中的系统下。)

3. Linguistic unification was a major challenge after the merger of the two language schools. (两所语言学校合并后,语言统一成为一个主要挑战。)

4. The political party advocated for the unification of the country under a federal system. (该政党主张在联邦制下统一国家。)

5. The unification of the two departments resulted in improved efficiency and communication. (这两个部门的统一导致了效率和沟通的改善。)

6. Cultural unification was achieved through the integration of various regional traditions. (通过整合各种地区传统,实现了文化统一。)

7. The treaty led to the economic unification of the neighboring countries. (该条约导致了邻国的经济统一。)

8. The unification of the databases streamlined data management across the organization. (数据库的统一使得整个组织的数据管理更加高效。)

9. Achieving technological unification required standardizing equipment and software across all branches. (实现技术统一需要在所有分支机构统一设备和软件标准。)

10. The unification of the company's branding strategy helped strengthen its market presence. (公司品牌战略的统一有助于增强其市场影响力。)

11. The unification of the curriculum ensured consistency in educational standards nationwide. (课程的统一确保了全国教育标准的一致性。)

12. The unification of the family business involved merging separate entities into a single corporate structure. (家族企业的统一涉及将独立实体合并为一个单一的公司结构。)

13. Religious unification was pursued through interfaith dialogues and cooperative efforts. (通过跨宗教的对话和合作努力,实现了宗教的统一。)

14. The unification of the design elements created a cohesive visual identity for the product line. (设计元素的统一为产品线打造了一致的视觉形象。)

15. Achieving political unification required compromise and negotiation among different factions. (实现政治统一需要不同派系之间的妥协和谈判。)


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