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时间: 2024-09-17 13:29:04


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "abundant" along with their Chinese translations:

1. The forest is abundant with wildlife, from deer to various bird species. (森林里生机勃勃,有各种野生动物,从鹿到各种鸟类。)

2. Her garden was abundant with flowers of every color imaginable. (她的花园里有五颜六色的花朵,种类繁多。)

3. The region is known for its abundant natural resources, including minerals and timber. (这个地区以丰富的自然资源而闻名,包括矿产和木材。)

4. He was renowned for his abundant generosity, always helping those in need. (他因慷慨大方而闻名,总是帮助有需要的人。)

5. The buffet offered an abundant selection of dishes from around the world. (自助餐提供了丰富多样的来自世界各地的菜肴。)

6. Despite the drought, the river still had an abundant supply of fish. (尽管干旱,河流仍有丰富的鱼类资源。)

7. Her knowledge of history was abundant, allowing her to teach the subject with authority. (她对历史的了解丰富,使她能够以权威的方式教授这门学科。)

8. The museum houses an abundant collection of artifacts spanning centuries. (博物馆收藏了跨越数个世纪的丰富文物。)

9. In the fall, the trees bear abundant fruit, attracting many birds and small animals. (秋天,树上结果累累,吸引了许多鸟类和小动物。)

10. The novel is filled with abundant references to classical literature and mythology. (这部小说充满了对古典文学和神话的丰富引用。)

11. The market is known for its abundant fresh produce, sourced locally. (这个市场以丰富的当地新鲜农产品而闻名。)

12. The company's CEO is known for his abundant energy and innovative ideas. (公司的CEO以充沛的精力和创新的思想而著称。)

13. The artist's paintings are abundant in detail, capturing every nuance of light and shadow. (这位艺术家的画作细节丰富,捕捉了光影的每一个细微差别。)

14. They enjoyed an abundant harvest this year, thanks to favorable weather conditions. (由于天气条件有利,他们今年收获丰盛。)

15. The city boasts an abundant cultural heritage, evident in its architecture and festivals. (这座城市拥有丰富的文化遗产,体现在其建筑和节庆活动中。)


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