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时间: 2024-09-17 13:41:20



1. She upbraided him for his careless mistakes. (她因他的粗心大意而责备他。)

2. The coach upbraided the team for their lack of effort. (教练因球队缺乏努力而斥责他们。)

3. He was upbraided by his boss for being late to the meeting. (他因迟到会议而受到老板的责备。)

4. The teacher upbraided the student for not completing his homework. (老师因学生没有完成作业而批评他。)

5. She upbraided herself for not preparing well enough for the presentation. (她因没有为演讲充分准备而自责。)

6. He upbraided his dog for chewing on the furniture. (他因狗咬家具而责备它。)

7. The mayor upbraided the city council for their lack of action on the housing crisis. (市长因市议会在住房危机上缺乏行动而斥责他们。)

8. The judge upbraided the defendant for showing disrespect in court. (法官因被告在法庭上表现不尊重而斥责他。)

9. She upbraided her friend for betraying her trust. (她因朋友背叛她的信任而责备她。)

10. The manager upbraided the employees for not following safety protocols. (经理因员工没有遵守安全规程而斥责他们。)

11. He upbraided the waiter for bringing the wrong order. (他因侍者送错订单而责备他。)

12. The coach upbraided the team captain for his poor leadership. (教练因队长领导不力而斥责他。)

13. She upbraided her brother for borrowing her car without asking. (她因弟弟未经允许就借她的车而责备他。)

14. The supervisor upbraided the intern for making a critical error. (主管因实习生犯了一个严重错误而斥责他。)

15. He upbraided himself for not sticking to his diet plan. (他因没有坚持他的饮食计划而自责。)


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