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时间: 2024-09-17 13:47:15


Certainly! Here are 15 sentences using "setup" along with their Chinese explanations:

1. The IT technician completed the computer setup in just under an hour.

- IT 技术员在不到一个小时内完成了计算机的设置。

2. The setup of the experiment required precise measurements and careful planning.

- 实验的设置需要精确的测量和仔细的计划。

3. They have a very efficient setup for processing customer orders.

- 他们有一个非常高效的客户订单处理设置。

4. The movie studio constructed an elaborate setup for the filming of the action sequence.

- 电影工作室为拍摄动作场景建立了复杂的摄影设置。

5. Before starting the presentation, ensure the audiovisual setup is working correctly.

- 在开始演示之前,请确保音视频设置工作正常。

6. The company's new office setup includes ergonomic furniture and modern technology.

- 公司的新办公室设置包括符合人体工程学的家具和现代技术设备。

7. He was impressed by the setup of the restaurant, which featured an open kitchen and stylish decor.

- 他对餐厅的布置印象深刻,其中包括开放式厨房和时尚的装饰。

8. The setup of the chessboard was meticulous, ensuring all pieces were correctly placed.

- 棋盘的布置非常细致,确保所有棋子都被正确摆放。

9. The police suspected the crime scene had been staged, given the unusual setup.

- 警方怀疑犯罪现场是被安排过的,因为布置异常。

10. She hired a professional to help with the setup of her new home theater system.

- 她雇了一位专业人士来帮助安装她的新家庭影院系统。

11. The software setup wizard guided him through the installation process step by step.

- 软件安装向导逐步引导他完成安装过程。

12. The setup for the wedding took months of planning and preparation.

- 婚礼的筹备工作花了数月时间。

13. The concert stage setup was elaborate, with intricate lighting and sound systems.

- 音乐会的舞台设置非常精致,配备了复杂的灯光和音响系统。

14. After the initial setup, maintaining the system became easier.

- 初始设置后,系统的维护变得更加容易。

15. The remote village lacked the basic setup for internet access.

- 这个偏远的村庄缺乏基本的互联网接入设施。

这些例句希望能帮助您更好地理解和使用单词 "setup"。

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