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时间: 2024-09-20 01:13:48


Certainly! 这里有一些关于“vacant”的例句,附带中文解释:

1. The hotel had no vacant rooms left for the night. (酒店今晚没有空房间了。)

2. Her vacant stare suggested she wasn't paying attention. (她茫然的眼神表明她并没有在注意。)

3. Please leave the chair vacant until the meeting is over. (请在会议结束前将椅子空着。)

4. The vacant lot next to my house is going to be developed into a park. (我家旁边的空地将被开发成公园。)

5. He left his post vacant when he resigned. (他辞职后,他的职位空缺了。)

6. The vacant expression on his face made me wonder if something was wrong. (他脸上茫然的表情让我怀疑是不是出了什么问题。)

7. The shop had been vacant for months before someone finally rented it. (这家店空了好几个月,最后有人才租下来。)

8. The vacant look in her eyes suggested she was daydreaming. (她眼中的茫然表情显示她在白日梦。)

9. The vacant apartment was quickly filled with new tenants. (空置的公寓很快被新租客填满了。)

10. The vacant position requires someone with specific skills and experience. (空缺的职位需要具备特定技能和经验的人。)

11. The street was lined with vacant buildings waiting to be renovated. (街道两旁是一排待翻新的空置建筑。)

12. She left the seat vacant for her friend who was arriving late. (她留下了空着的座位给她那位迟到的朋友。)

13. The old factory had been vacant since the company moved overseas. (自公司搬到海外后,这座旧工厂就一直空置着。)

14. The vacant expression on his face indicated he wasn't following the conversation. (他脸上的茫然表情显示他没有听懂对话。)

15. They found a vacant house to rent while their own home was being renovated. (他们找到了一处空置的房子,用来在他们自家房子翻新期间居住。)


上一个 【英语】vacuous的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】vacate的例句



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