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时间: 2024-09-20 01:08:23


Certainly! 这里有关于"evacuation"的15个例句及其中文解释:

1. The evacuation of the city was ordered due to the approaching hurricane.

- 城市因为即将来临的飓风而被下令撤离。

2. During the fire drill, the school practiced the evacuation procedure.

- 在火灾演习中,学校进行了撤离程序的演练。

3. The floodwaters rose so quickly that evacuation became urgent.

- 洪水上涨得如此迅速,撤离变得紧急起来。

4. Medical personnel assisted in the evacuation of injured civilians from the disaster area.

- 医护人员协助撤离受伤的平民离开灾区。

5. Evacuation routes were marked clearly to guide residents to safety.

- 撤离路线被清楚标记,以指导居民安全撤离。

6. The evacuation of the building was smooth and orderly.

- 大楼的撤离进行得顺利而有序。

7. Evacuation shelters were set up to accommodate those displaced by the earthquake.

- 撤离收容所被设置来安置地震灾民。

8. Government officials coordinated the evacuation efforts across the region.

- 政府官员在全区协调撤离工作。

9. The evacuation plan included provisions for elderly and disabled individuals.

- 撤离计划包括了老年人和残障人士的安置措施。

10. Evacuation drills are conducted regularly to ensure readiness in emergencies.

- 定期进行撤离演习以确保在紧急情况下的准备。

11. Many residents refused to comply with the evacuation order, fearing looting.

- 许多居民因为害怕抢劫而拒绝遵守撤离命令。

12. Evacuation efforts were hindered by the damaged roads and infrastructure.

- 受损的道路和基础设施妨碍了撤离工作。

13. Volunteers assisted in the evacuation of pets and livestock from the flood zone.

- 志愿者协助撤离洪水区的宠物和牲畜。

14. The evacuation lasted several days until all residents were safely relocated.

- 撤离持续了几天,直到所有居民安全搬迁。

15. Evacuation centers provided food, water, and medical aid to those displaced by the volcanic eruption.

- 撤离中心为那些由火山喷发而流离失所的人们提供食物、水和医疗援助。


上一个 【英语】evacuate的例句 文章列表 下一个 【英语】vanity的例句



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